Devlog Journal 6

This week's lesson was about two card games and seeing how the card games had differed. In a quote that was kind of eye opening was "If your game has a story, this is where you tell it". I never even thought about it but, the preamble really explains the story and engages people into the theme of the game. Most people don't read this part but, looking back on exploding kittens it really would've helped me to know what we were playing or even getting into. When conceptualizing, a quote I liked was "Conceptualizing your game starts with just a thought, but it doesn’t end there". Nothing more true could be said because, your brain is running with so many ideas and plans in ways to change, reintroduce, or even invent new ways to play. With this we began to think of ways on how the game was originally designed. See the full concept and idea of what they want us to do. We then began conceptualizing our own ideas on how to make the game more interesting. This was done in exploding kittens. It took us a while to understand but, the concept of it was very interesting. We implemented the idea that when you draw the top three cards from the draw pile you will get a chance to choose which card you want for yourself. With this addition it made the game even more intense and interesting. Rather than just look you get to look and choose. Felt more rewarding if the players spent time with that. "Prototypes turn ideas and concepts into something concrete that everyone on the team can evaluate''. We did exactly this halfway through the game because it just amplified the fun and turn taking we had. It was all around just more to add an addition to let people look through three cards and choose one from the deck.

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Even a little bit of story/premise can help contextualize what the players are doing.